Note from the Tipster: Get CoCut; you'll be glad you did. 'Do I need sign software to run my sign making equipment?' is on a par with 'Do I need a Sign Maker to make my sign.' You get what you pay for gang!!!
That said, the process is easy ...
- First, install Summa Cutter Control (if you haven't already). In Cutter Control you can create a Hot Folder, in which any cuttable file that's placed in the folder is automatically sent to the cutter (very cool; and way better than a Windows Printer driver). See How
- Then, simply export your Corel designs to the Hot Folder in HPGL (*.plt file). See How
- Start Summa Cutter Control (Start » Programs » Summa » Summa Cutter Control)
- Go to your Summa Cutter Control options (Configuration » Options, or press Alt-C-O)
- Click on the Queue tab

In your Queue Options:
- Enable queue must be checked
- Delete processed files from queue is optional, depending on whether you want to save files for replotting, or just cut the file and discard it.
- Choose the Location of your Hot Folder; either by selecting an existing folder using the browse button (
); or create a new folder by typing in the folder name and path
Exporting Cuttable Files from CorelDRAW
Export the object, or objects, you wish to cut (File » Export or press Ctrl-E), and then ...
- In the Export window, select the folder that you've designated as "Hot" in Summa Cutter Control
- Choose PLT - HPGL Plotter File from the Files of type pull-down
- If you only wish to cut items that are currently selected in your CorelDRAW design window, check the Selected only option

In HPGL Export / Pen tab ...
- Click the Pen Unused button
- Then go the the Page tab

In HPGL Export / Page tab ...
- Click the Bottom left option under Page Orientation
- Note: if your page size as been properly setup in CorelDRAW, then the setting will automatically shown up here. If not, it's probably easiest to go back into CorelDRAW and setup your page.
- Then go the the Advanced tab

In HPGL Export / Advanced tab, you have three options you may wish to take advantage of ...
- Remove hidden lines - eliminates cut lines that are behind a filled object (intersecting lines)
- Automatic weld - combines overlapping objects that are of the same color
- No width or velocity command - removes speed and page size information from the plot file (will use you cutter's current settings)

That's it; hit OK and your file will be saved to the Hot Folder and immediately sent to the cutter. Do this a couple times, and you'll have it down pat. It's fast, easy and way better than a Windows Printer driver!
But, there are some disadvantages compared to cutting programs. The main one to keep in mind is that it won't set a new point of origin. You'll need to advance the cutter before sending another file ... if you have multiple cuts, using the same color, we suggest that you tile them up in CorelDRAW, then send out a single plot file. And don't worry; it's OK to send really long plots to a Summa cutter. Cut away!
Also, it's not a good idea to share the Hot Folder over a network when sending raw HPGL plot data ... again because no new point of origin is set (there's a good chance that someone might send a file that cuts over the top of someone else's file). If, however, you're using CoCut or another program with advanced cutting features, sharing a Hot Folder over a network is a really GREAT IDEA and can make any Summa cutter networkable with a variety of different sign making programs.